SkyPilot: Faith Quest
SkyPilot looks at questions of faith, spirituality, and religion. We embrace the questions, wrestle with the answers, while always seeking to be open and non-judgemental. Dan has over 30 years of ordained ministry experience working in churches, speaking across the nation, and answering questions in a variety of settings.
227 episodes
How to Handle the Trump Problem
Donald Trump is not just a horrible President, but a morally bankrupt person who seems almost universally drawn towards cruel, insensitive, and ethically indefensible positions. BUT nevertheless, he sits in the White House with a belief that th...
Season 1
Episode 227

Trump and His Court Jesters
Many of us believer that Donald Trump would love to become King. (Let's hope he never succeeds!) Strangely, I would argue the role he has reinstated, from royal courts of old, is the jester. The episode explains how, what their function has bee...
Season 1
Episode 226

What is Trump's Superpower?
Donald Trump is seemingly impervious to almost all attempts to get him to rethink his policies and decisions. Frustratingly, he has all the wisdom, thoughtfulness, and intentionality of a bunch of drunk monkeys (my apologies to monkeys everywhe...
Season 1
Episode 225

Trump vs 10 Commandments
There are far-right conservative Christians who have supported Trump, been invited to Mar-a-Lago, and made it know that they wish to institute Christian law in the United States during his Presidency. If they get their way, they will initially ...
Season 1
Episode 223

TheoBros: Be Afraid, Be VERY Afraid!
There is a new group of young, hyper-conservative, male Christians who have emerged on the religious and political scene. But, this happens all the time, so why is this different? They are more tech-savvy than those who have come before. They a...
Season 1
Episode 224

Bible or Shakespeare?
Today's episode is both a response to the weariness many people feel, and just my desire to occasionally create content that’s intended to be fun, and nothing more. It all stared with a game (Cryptogram) I enjoy playing when I want to relax. Th...
Season 1
Episode 222

Tithing Christmas?
Christmas has become rife with rampant excess. And the truth is most of us have no intention of doing less. So, how can we get our focus back on Christmas...the real and unvarnished story of Christmas? Recently, I saw a commercial on television...
Season 1
Episode 221

Trump Won, Now What?
Viewers and listeners have reached out to say that they are discouraged and depressed following the election. Here is my response.
Season 1
Episode 220

Are Zeal and Humility Mutually Exclusive?
Humility seems to be in short supply these days. Is it even possible to have a faith life that is both humble AND zealous? And what does Donald Trump have to do with all of this? All this and more in this episode!———————————————————————————...
Season 1
Episode 218

Are You Thankful, or Just Gloating?
This episode was sparked by witnessing the destruction and suffering that had been experienced in the southeast following hurricane Helene. Perhaps more accurately, this episode attempts to delve into the appropriate response, for people of fai...
Season 1
Episode 217

Is Trumpism a Cult?
As I was watching the interaction between Trump and his followers, I noticed a religious-like fervor. Then I asked, "Is this a cult?" After a lot of research, the final answer ultimately led me someplace new that was surprising and, to me at le...
Season 1
Episode 216

Jesus- Liberal or Conservative?
I have heard and read a lot of words offered as proof of Jesus' tendency towards liberalism or love of conservatism. I think, as of late, Christians are less and less a people who try to reflect the teachings of Jesus in our d...
Season 1
Episode 215

Is Trump the Antichrist?
In response to my most recent two episodes, I have had quite a few people ask: Is Trump is the antichrist? Others have been more certain: They are absolutely sure he is. This episode looks at what the Bible says about the antichrist, what the m...
Season 1
Episode 214

Never Vote Again
When Donald Trump calls upon Christians and tells them that, if he wins, they will never vote again, should we believe him or dismiss his promise as silly hyperbole? This video examines the convergence of his bold promises, his use of Christian...
Season 1
Episode 213

The N.A.R. and Christian Nationalism
There’s a new movement in the world of conservative Christianity. It is relatively opaque and unknown, but its power and influence is growing, and if you are unaware of the NAR, it is time you learn about them, because they are on a path to cha...
Season 1
Episode 112

The Problem with the Word "Saved"
This topic came from a viewer. The question: What does "saved" mean? Strangely, the answer reveals multiple problems with the word, and also reveals how it should be understood - once we discover the way it is actually used in the B...
Season 1
Episode 211

Who Is Our common Ancestor?
Our daughter recently began researching our family tree. Her discovery was surprising: we have two famous ancestors. One on my father’s side and one on my mother's. These discoveries got me thinking about the importance of notable ancestors... ...
Season 1
Episode 210

God Nature Found in Child's Book!
Can a children's book written for toddlers tell us something about the nature of God? Yes, and there is even scripture to back it up!———————————————————————————————————————Have a spiritual, theological, or religious question you wou...
Season 1
Episode 209

Does God Want Us to Play?
Having just returned from vacation, I found myself wondering what god would think about our times of rest, vacation, and play?———————————————————————————————————————Have a spiritual, theological, or religious question you would like...
Season 1
Episode 208

Women's Rights: Bible Edition
In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul gives instruction for women to be submissive and silent. This episode asks the question, is Paul's instruction the definitive statement on the role of women in the church and community, or does the Bible have more...
Season 1
Episode 207

The Problem with Monotheism
Monotheism is such a basic and fundamental theological concept at the heart of the three Abrahamic faiths, as well as many others. What could possibly be wrong with it? This episode does not argue against it, but instead point out, if you are a...
Season 1
Episode 206

The Problem with Our Concept of Hell
This episode is in response to a reader who suggested this topic. The thought behind this topic is simple: Has the Judeo-Christian tradition always believed in Hell? If not, where did it come from? And also , we should be aware that there...
Season 1
Episode 205

What is the Most Dangerous Word in the Bible?
There is word, a single word, in the Bible that has been woefully and tragically misunderstood. One interpretation of this word leads to harmony and abundant living, the other interpretation could quite possibly lead to the ruin of humanity. So...
Season 1
Episode 204